Procrastination Problems

So recently I found myself unable to cope up with the pace of my university life. The instructors and professors keep on declaring assignments and quizzes and meanwhile I am just relaxing. You must be thinking that “Oh, maybe he’s so good at studies that he goes carefree!”

Trust me, it isn’t anything like that. The feeling of guilt plus the burning and stagnant sensation of regret is flooding my mind. Yet, I cannot focus! I just cannot sit down to study anymore. All my courses this semester are acquiring low marks… because of this overlooked habit. Well, to be fair, this habit didn’t become so strong in a single day. Over time, as I kept on procrastinating and leaving my work undone “for later”, the days kept on getting worse and worse.

And behold! Now you have a type of mental disorder where your attention span has been drugged on heavy doses of staying inattentive and doing other things. This is literally me right now. And even as I write this post, I have 2 quizzes due tonight, and another assignment due Monday (8th November). I’m so doomed, but still I am not feeling anything. Nothing. Not even the slightest bit of anxiety or fear I should have because I received unbelievably low marks for my midterm tests this semester.

This certainly reminds me of a quote from a movie character, first introduced by my best friend :

“I said I’ll get better tomorrow. But tomorrow never came.”

A tragic death to anyone’s intellect. I’d say for now, that you should perceive “procrastination” as being the equivalent of cigarettes for your mind. You don’t usually spot their negative impacts on your health and well-being… until it’s too late.

They’re seriously dangerous habits.

I, Dewan Mukto, personally warn you not to end up in a sticky situation like this. Oh well, I hope I can finish my quizzes by tonight. They’re dreadfully difficult for me anyway, since I hadn’t been paying attention during lectures either.